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  1.He is good___swimming.

  A.with B.at C.for D.on

  2.Li Ming___English books every morning.

  A.read B.reads C.reading D.is reading

  3.There ___a pear and four apples on the plate last night.

  A.are B.were C.was D.is

  4.Jim doesn't like playing ___piano,but he likes playing ___football.

  A.the;/ B.the;the C./;the D.a;/

  5.Everything ___going well these days.

  A.are B.was C.is D.be

  6.This is a reading room.___speak loudly,please.

  A.Don't B.Don't be C.No D.Not

  7.This book is ___interesting than that one.

  A.much B.many C.most D.more

  8.Please look after ___when you go out.

  A.himself B.herself C.yourself D.myself

  9.There are many ___teachers in our school.

  A.women B.woman C.girls D.man

  10.1 paid sixty yuan___the bag yesterday.

  A.on B.with C.in D.for

  11.This book is ___.My book is on the desk.

  A.him B.her C.she D.hers

  12.How___they work.

  A.him B.hard C.good D.better

  13.He saw a film three days ago, ___he?

  A.could B.couldn't C.didn't D.did

  14.____will you stay in Beijing?

  A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How much

  15.lf it___tomorrow,we will not go boating.

  A.rain B.is raining C.will rain D.rains

  16.My father ____a new bike for me last month.

  A.bought B.will buy C.was buying D.has bought

  17.Look!They ___on the playground.

  A.will walk B.walked C.are walking D.were walking

  18.It is so hot.You can____your coat.

  A.take in B.take off C.take out D.take over

  19.My sister enjoys____to music.

  A.listening B.to listen C.listen D.listens

  20.Remember ___your umbrella.lt's going to rain.

  A.taking B.takes C.to taking D.to take

  21.Please ___me to express my idea.

  A.allow B.guess C.discover D.speak

  22.After ___into the room ,you should open the window first.

  A.came B.to come C.coming D.come

  23.lt is easy for him____these questions.

  A.answering B.to answer C.answered D.answers

  24.The book is ____to you.You can find answers in it.

  A.helpful B.polite C.harmful D.responsible

  25.You ___play with the knife.lt may hurt you.

  A.haven't B.hadn't C.mustn't D.wouldn't

  26.She runs ___of her classmates.

  A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.slower

  27.Be careful,____you will fail the exam.

  A.and B.but C.so D.or

  28.1 will not go to bed___I finish my homework.

  A.until B.when C.while D.what

  29.____turn yellow in autumn.

  A.Leaf B.Flower C.Leaves D.leave

  30.The room is not ___big ___that one.

  A.so;with B.as;than C.as;with D.so;as

  31.The boy is waiting for his mother who___the supermarket.

  A.have gone to B.has gone to C.have been to D.has been to

  32.___she did made her mother angry.

  A.That B.What C.Where D.When

  33.We ____the missing child for two days.

  A.have looked for B.have looked up C.have looked over D.have looked out

  34.0ver ___trees are planted in this place every year.

  A.a lot B.a little C.the number of D.three thousand

  35.___English books you read____your spoken English is.

  A.The more;the better B.The best;the best C.The more;the more D.The more;the more

  1-5.BBCAC 6-10.ADCAD11-15.DBCBD16-20.ACBAD21-25.ACBAC26-30.CDACD 31-35.BBADA


上一篇:河北单招英语知识点汇总 下一篇:河北高职单招英语考纲词汇


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